Friday, February 20, 2009

Go Utes

Chad got us tickets to go to a University of Utah Gymnastics meet. Chad's parents, the kids and I drove up to Salt Lake and met Chad at one of our favorite eatery: The Bakery.
Everything is delicious at The Bakery but especially the desserts. We all enjoyed some soup and rolls. But the company was the best.Can we have some dessert daddy? Pllleeeaaassseee!
Rebecca got some mini eclairs. She shared with Benjamin.
Chad and I shared a type of Napoleon. I couldn't get my camera out fast enough to take a picture before we both finished it up. More eclairs. The University of Utah gymnastics team is ranked #1. They were competing against Michigan.
Go Utes Benjamin enjoyed clapping and doing the wave. Beam
Next generation Utah fans
Floor Routine
It was all amazing.


Laura said...

The sins of each generation are past on to the next generation----more Ute fans. Luckily, some of us are trying to create an equal amount of BYU fans!~!!!!!

Glad to have some Robin time. It's time!!!!!!!

I love to watch gymnastics, how fun.

Karen said...

That looks like fun! I'll bet your daughter liked seeing the bigger people do what she is into herself.